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A checklist to determin if your child's ADHD symptoms maybe caused by allergies.

Photo by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash.

A checklist to determin if your child's ADHD symptoms maybe caused by allergies.

Photo by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash.

A checklist to determin if your child's ADHD symptoms maybe caused by allergies.

Photo by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash.

The following is a checklist of symptoms related to Allergies. As you complete this form, compare your child with other children you know. For example, if you feel that your child wiggles his legs more than other children, then you would place a check in front of item number eleven of the checklist.

Physical Symptoms

___ 1. Frequent ear, chest and/or sinus infections.

___ 2. Runny or stuffy nose

___ 3. Nose rubbing, wiggling, and/or picking

___ 4. Frequent coughing or wheezing

___ 5. Intestinal complaints such as bloating, belching, gagging, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, rectal gas, and halitosis.

___ 6. Puffy looking face

___ 7. Frequent Headaches

___ 8. Frequent leg aches

___ 9. Seasonal Allergies

__ 10. Asthma

Behavioral Symptoms

__ 11. Wiggly legs

__ 12. Hyperactivity

__ 13. Refusal to stay dressed

__ 14. Temper tantrums

__ 15. Whining

__ 16. Screaming

__ 17. Clinging

__ 18. Excessive fatigue

__ 19. Reluctance to smile

__ 20. Depression

__ 21. Refusal to be touched

__ 22. Desire to crouch in dark corners or under furniture.

__ 23. Aggression such as bitting, hitting, spitting, pinching, punching and kicking

__ 24. Repetition of the same phrases (e.g., desire for a craved food, nonstop, senseless talk)

__ 25. Becomes more hyperactive after eating ...

___ sugar
___ chocolate
___ eggs
___ milk products
___ yellow food dye
___ red food dye

Symptom Checklist for Adolescents
with Behavior Problems caused by Allergies

The following is a checklist of symptoms related to Allergies. As you complete this form, compare your child with other children you know. For example, if you feel that your child fidgets more than other children, then you would place a check in front of item number 36 of the checklist.

Physical Symptoms

___ 1. wheezing and/orcoughing

___ 2. throat clearing

___ 3. throat clucking

___ 4. post nasaldischarge

___ 5. seasonal allergies

___ 6. asthma

___ 7. itchy nose

___ 8. pale/puffy face

___ 9. limp unhealthyhair

___ 10. bad breath

___ 11. infections

___ 12. nervous tics

___ 13. irregular shape,color, lines in nails

___ 14. dry skin

___ 15. hives on skin

___ 16. intestinalcomplaints

___ 17. urinarycomplaints

___ 18. itchy rectum

___ 19. leg/muscle cramps

___ 20. "goosebumps" on thighs, back of arms and face

___ 21. creepy crawlyskin: as though bugs are walking on it.

___ 22. Unpleasant,strong body/foot odor where washing doesn't help


___ 23. anger/aggression

___ 24. irritability

___ 25. never happy

___ 26. easy crying

___ 27. wishing to bedead

___ 28. suicidal

___ 29. hurting self

___ 30. fatigue

___ 31. insomnia

___ 32. waking up in thenight

___ 33. nightmares

___ 34. restlessness

___ 35. hyperactivity

___ 36. fidgety

___ 37. fuzzy thinking

___ 38. hallucinations

___ 39. puzzling orunacceptable behavior

___ 40. babbling

___ 41. Sensitive tolight, sound and touch

___ 42. unsociable

43. Becomes more hyperactive after eating ...

___ sugar
___ chocolate
___ eggs
___ milk products
___ yellow food dye
___ red food dye

When using either checklists, if your child has ten or more of the above symptoms, your child's ADHD problems could be caused (at least in part) by allergies. We strongly recommend you obtain more information. The best place to start is reading the book: Is This Your Child?: Discovering and Treating Unrecognized Allergies in Children and Adults by Doris J. Rapp, M.D., ISBN:0688119077. We do not recommend that you contact an allergist before reading this book. Many allergists do not believe that allergies can cause ADHD symptoms or learning problems. Allergists that specialize in the provocation/neutralization method of allergy assessment and treatment do believe that allergies can cause these symptoms. All this is explained in Dr. Rapp's book.

Related Articiles

  • A Comprehensive Approach to ADHD.
  • Six Treatment Methods for ADHD.
  • Neuro-Developmental For Attention and Focus Skills.
  • If you have any comments or questions about this checklist, please send us an E-mail. Please contact us if we can be of further assistance to you or your loved ones.

    The photograph was by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash. We are grateful.

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